Start Your Journey

Ready to begin?

Courage and Awareness to Embody and Express

Energy Session

Finding direction again and reconnecting with their true passions in life. Let the energy from an amazing session help you get back on track and find direction again.

Tarot Reading & Life Coaching

Shifting the focus in situations, bringing about self-awareness, and creating self-empowerment. Feel supported and cared for during times of growth and change.

Meet Beverley

I empower individuals who have become disconnected from themselves to learn to love and accept themselves fully. The people I work with are ready to take responsibility for their lives and step back into their power. Through one-on-one coaching sessions, clients will heal the disconnection and reclaim the parts of themselves that have been lost so they can show up fully in their lives. 

I have always been a misfit and one to go against the grain. I come from a small family where I am the black sheep. Lonely and invisible became my default sense of self. Looking back at my childhood, I noticed a disconnect from myself that stemmed from merely trying to survive. Dissociation and numbing out feelings were my go-to tactics to get through everyday life. I had been in survival mode for a long time and realized it was up to me to choose to get out of this operating mode.

Being the lone wolf for most of my life has allowed me to be an observer. Having done a lot of self-reflection, I notice my patterns and do the inner work accordingly. This level of awareness has allowed me to grow and change. The self-work enables me to help others on their healing journey. I wish to help others take the reins to create the life they deserve.

Life Coach Certification October 2018 Gabby Bernstein SJ Masterclass Kripalu

Reiki Master January 2019 Sutra Studio Julia King Lowell Ma

Tarot Certification May 2019 Dark Moon Tarot Salem Ma

Self Love Coach August 2021 Self Love Lifestyle

Breathwork Certification 2023 Academy of Breath
